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Dedicated Server

What is a Dedicated server?

A Dedicated server is a physical server that is only accessed by one customer. The customer is able to utilize the full CPU and RAM resources of the hardware system. Unlike a Virtual Private Server (VPS), all resources on a Dedicated Server are made available exclusively to a single customer, enabling consistently high performance at all times.

The Dedicated server product line includes several bundled options to help businesses choose the appropriate hardware configuration that best fits their needs.

Who uses Dedicated Hosting?

Dedicated Hosting is ideal for businesses or advanced users who run high traffic websites, CPU-intensive applications, or complex databases.

Benefits of a Dedicated Server

1Blazingly Fast Apps- Harness the full power of your multi-core processor.
Choose from bundles that include dual-core and quad-core CPUs.

2Peace of Mind- You won't lose all of your data if the hard drive fails. We perform automatic managed backups of your entire site. There is no back-up storage capacity limit.

3No Overage Fees- Bandwidth for your site is unlimited! Unlike the competition, PLiKhost includes unmetered data transfer bandwidth with all bundles

4High Level of Control- Control your Dedicated server with our homegrown web panel. You have full root access to your server, and the ability to reboot remotely from the panel.

5Enterprise-Level ReliabilityPLiKhost manages its own network, so that your site never skips a beat. PLiKhost's network is backed by a 100% uptime guarantee policy and you'll have around-the-clock (24×7) access to our expert technical support representatives via email, live chat, and up to three callbacks per month. PLiKhost also includes a 4-hour hardware replacement guarantee policy.

Contact us

PLiKhost Web Hosting
A Division of PT. Ken Solusindo

Principal Office:

Wisma Keiai 20th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3-4
Jakarta Pusat - 10220

Phone: +62-819-32539797
SMS: +62-856-00001088
Email: [email protected]

Branch Office:

Setya Jaya Building
5th Floor
Jl. Pajajaran No. 23
Bogor Timur - 16143